Miss biggest bitch
Короткий документальный фильм от BookShort о Нэйте и его книге.

Nate Fick came home from the war with more than a little insight into the difference between military ideals and military practice. One Bullet Away, an original BookShort short film production based on his memoir One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer (Houghton Mifflin / Thomas Allen Publishers), is a personal documentary that uses one seemingly innocuous story of how he and his team chose to directly defy orders rather than walk away from a village of civilians living with unexploded bombs in their backyards. It underscore Fick's hard-won message that war is human, and demands humanity from its leaders.

One Bullet Away
The book was adapted for the screen by accomplished screenwriter Bruce Pirrie; directed by Irene Duma who has directed several BookShort productions; with animated graphics by Crush and sound design by Steven Sauve; produced by Judith Keenan for Houghton Mifflin Company.


Behind The Scenes Features

Source: BookShort

@темы: media: online videos