Котик-нос и Теплый Кит, у которого всегда балкон открыт
Название: нет.
Автор: я :goodgirl:
бета: я :what:
Фандом: Generation Kill
Пейринг: Брэд/Нейт
Рейтинг: PG-13))
Жанр: romance, humor
Дисклаймер: персонажи не мои, а жаль))

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@темы: fandom: fanfiction

Miss biggest bitch
Miss biggest bitch


Global Branded Play Company Hasbro and Talent From Universal Pictures' BATTLESHIP to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell

Global branded play company Hasbro will visit the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square to celebrate the upcoming release of Universal Pictures' epic action-adventure BATTLESHIP, inspired by Hasbro's classic naval combat game.

In honor of the occasion, Brian Goldner, Hasbro President & CEO, along with BATTLESHIP's director, Peter Berg, and one of the film's stars, Alexander Skarsgård, will ring the opening bell. BATTLESHIP opens in theaters on May 18, 2012.

Where: NASDAQ MarketSite -- 4 Times Square -- 43rd & Broadway -- Broadcast Studio

When: Monday, February 13th, 2012 -- 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET

Credit: marketwatch & askarsgard


Danmarks Film Akademi winners

The Danmarks Film Akademi (Danish Film Academy) held their 29th Annual Robert Prisen (Robert Awards) at Cirkusbygningen (Circus Building) in Copenhagen.

Lars von Trier's Melancholia swept the awards with a total of ten wins including three going to von Trier himself for Danish Film, Director and Screenplay. It also won Actress and Supporting Actress for Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg respectively.

Full article @ chinokino

@темы: # information and news, media: photos, actor: Alexander Skarsgard

Miss biggest bitch
Новая работа на Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Fest - чудесное видео от Luvyshka:


@темы: fandom: fanvideo

I’m trapped by a massive fairy(c)

Мне кажется, или мальчик повзрослел ?

Предлагаю пикспамить-рассуждать с поводом и без повода в комментах-).

@темы: # picspam, actor: Stark Sands, # discussion, actor: Alexander Skarsgard

Miss biggest bitch
Я опять про Старка )

Stark Sands Cast In Coen Brothers’ ‘Inside Llewyn Davis’

Stark Sands will play Troy Nelson, a young soldier on leave, in the Coen brothers’ new film Inside Llewyn Davis. Sands joins Oscar Isaac, Justin Timberlake, Carey Mulligan and John Goodman in the film, set in the burgeoning folk scene in 1961′s Greenwich Village. His character is a forlorn but talented musician. Most recently, Sands appeared in the Broadway adaptation of Green Day’s American Idiot. Film credits include the independent comedy Die, Mommie, Die, Clint Eastwood’s Flags Of Our Fathers, Marcos Siega’s Pretty Persuasion and the romantic comedy Shall We Dance. Sands will appear in the new CBS series NYC 22, produced by Robert De Niro, this spring. He is represented by ICM and Management 360.

Source: deadline

Inside Llewyn Davis on IMDB

@темы: # information and news, actor: Stark Sands

Miss biggest bitch
В рамках Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Fest на основном сообществе выложен перевод чудесного фика Après moi le deluge авторства Lake.

Après moi le deluge
Автор: Lake (beyond_belief)
Перевод: Zua (Hexereich)

:heart: :heart: :heart:

@темы: fandom: fanfiction recs


NYC-22 news

Miss biggest bitch
Я немного про Старка )
Закончились съемки его нового сериала NYC-22 (предыдущее название The 2-2). И по этому поводу Старк на своем фейсбуке выложил видео:

(дали дату премьеры )))

Robert De Niro's 'NYC 22' Gets Premiere Date Set For April 15

Robert De Niro's new New York City cop drama, "NYC 22," will premiere Sun., April 15 at 10 p.m. EST on CBS.

"NYC 22," produced by De Niro and created by Richard Price, will follow six NYPD rookies as they patrol the streets of upper Manhattan. The series stars Terry Kinney, Adam Goldberg, Leelee Sobieski, Stark Sands, Judy Marte and Harold "House" Moore.

According to the network, "With unique backgrounds, personalities and reasons for being on the force, the new cops will make their share of rookie mistakes while they figure out how to relate to their boss, each other and the people they swore to protect."

The rookie cop drama will replace "CSI: Miami," which will have completed its full run of original episodes for the season, on the CBS primetime schedule.


@темы: # information and news, actor: Stark Sands



Не рычи!
Буду очень признательна, если вы поделитесь фотографиями молодых Алекса и Старка (из фотосессий или из фильмов), чтобы можно было проиллюстрировать ими школьное (колледж) АУ.

@темы: # picspam, actor: Stark Sands, actor: Alexander Skarsgard

I’m trapped by a massive fairy(c)
Вернее, правильнее было бы сказать - "когда Брэд/Нэйт?".
Натыкалась на разные откровения в сети: от искрометного «смотрела ради другого пэйринга и уже через три минуты после начала первой серии поняла, кто главный пэйринг фандома», до непонятного для меня выбора ОТП как «в супермаркете». Вот лично для вас, был такой момент? Когда стало понятно, что от Брэда с Нейтом не спрятаться, ни скрыться. И свернуть не хочется, и назад-вперед - сплошная пробуксовка. Потому что приехали. Финиш. ОТП.

@темы: # discussion


New start

Добро пожаловать в SEMPER FI: Brad Colbert/Nate Fick community!

Правила сообщества:

1. Данное сообщество посвящено Брэду Колберту и Нэйту Фику – персонажам американского телевизионного мини-сериала Generation Kill (производство HBO).
2. Данное сообщество слэш-френдли. Любые негативные высказывания в адрес слэша запрещены.
3. Пожалуйста, будьте взаимовежливы. Любой негатив в адрес участников и гостей сообщества, пейринга, персонажей, их прототипов, а также актеров будет пресекаться.
4. Сообщество открыто только зарегистрированным на diary.ru пользователям, также проставлено ограничение по возрасту.
5. Реклама на сообществе без предварительного согласования с администрацией запрещена.
6. Пожалуйста, озаглавливайте посты и используйте предложенные @темы.
7. Изображения размером свыше 600 пикселей в ширину или высоту необходимо прятать под кат (тэг MORE) или выкладывать в превью.
8. Длинные тексты тоже следует убирать под кат. Если вы выкладываете фанфикшен, пожалуйста, оформите шапку. Обязательные поля: название и автор. Желательно: рейтинг, disclaimer, если это перевод – наличие разрешения. Все остальное на усмотрение автора. В виду монопейринговости сообщества пейринг указывать не обязательно.
9. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожелания или предложения, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь и пишите напрямую администрации. Мы всегда рады инициативе и постараемся помочь!

код баннера

@темы: # moderatorial

Miss biggest bitch

+ статья не совсем по теме, но может, кого заинтересует.

Postwar Marines: smaller, less focused on land war

Written by Robert Burns

@темы: media: online videos

Miss biggest bitch
alethialia на жж выложила 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Command Chronology (1 Jan 2003 to 30 Jun 2003), а я скопирую сюда:

BOX 555584
9 Jul 03

From: Commanding Officer, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion
To: Commanding General, 1st Marine Division (G-3)


Ref: (a) MCO P5750.1G
(b) FMFPacO 5750.8E
(c) DivO 5750.7D

Encl: (1) 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Command Chronology

1. In accordance with the references, enclosure (1) is submitted.

2. This document is unclassified.

R. E. Talkington










@темы: info: general

Miss biggest bitch

TAB A 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Operation Iraqi
Freedom Operations Matrix

TAB B 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Operation Iraqi
Freedom After Action Report

In January of 2003, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion deployed to Kuwait in preparation for combat operations in Iraq. B and C Companies deployed via air transport to Kuwait and trained there for six weeks prior to crossing the line of departure. A Co and H/S Companies conducted training while embarked aboard the USS Anchorage. After arriving in Kuwait the two companies trained for three weeks before combat operations commenced. Company D, 4th Reconnaissance Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve, was mobilized and activated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom at the Armed Forces Reserve Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, on 03 February 2003. The company departed to the designated Staging and Integration Area (SIA) at Camp Pendleton, California, for joining to the Gaining Force Command (GFC), 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, on 07 February 2003. The company stayed at Camp Margarita briefly before being forward deployed to the country of Kuwait on 14 February 2003. Upon linking up with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion on 16 February 2003, the company began preparations and workups in earnest and did eventually cross the line of departure (LD) into the country of Iraq and subsequently conducted combat operations, first, attached to 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion/Tactical Movement Control-South for priority convoy security and escort duties. The company was detached and re-attached to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion on 04 April 2003, and engaged in all subsequent combat operations with the battalion until retrograde. The battalion initially was in general support of the division, but was detached to RCT-1 for the majority of the war. Through a process of trial and error the companies learned to plan and execute fragmentary orders on short timelines. The missions included screens, convoy security, a battalion level deliberate attack, strongpoint key locations throughout a city, casevac recovery, team through battalion sized patrols, defensive operations, blocking positions, personnel and vehicle searches, establishing traffic control points, mounted and dismounted security patrols, reconnaissance in force, humanitarian operations, and raids. This report is a compilation of lessons learned from the letter companies and staff sections in preparation for combat and during combat operations.

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@темы: info: general

Miss biggest bitch
The producer says he gets a lot of freedom from HBO to tell his stories.

David Simon, executive producer of "Treme," "Generation Kill" and "The Wire," talks about life as a show runner on three of HBO's signature dramas.

How did working as a newspaper journalist at the Baltimore Sun prepare you for being a TV show runner?

There might be people in this industry who would suggest being a former journalist inhibits me. [chuckles] I'm not being facetious. It can be looked upon as an asset or a genuinely crippling factor. I'm not particularly equipped to be in the industry. I found a weird niche at HBO, and they've humored me very generously, allowing me to do work I care about. It hasn't always been an asset from the point of view of marketing and getting an audience. But as far as helping me, it's possible for me to go in these worlds [as a TV writer] and report. I can meet people on their terms. I can acquire the expertise that allows me to be credible to those who live that event.

What was the most challenging of your series? And which has been the most satisfying?

"Generation Kill" was the most challenging. We were intent on depicting, for better or worse, what really happened to the First Recon Battalion all the way into Baghdad. We couldn't leaven it or move away from bad decisions or when someone operated in a less-than-admirable way. We couldn't shape the show with more drama. It imposed incredible limitations in terms of story.

Right now, I'm probably most proud of "Treme." It's very well researched and very specific. We're not relying on the TV tropes of lawyers, doctors or cops. Who in their right mind would construct a show about culture, Mardi Gras, second-line dancers and music?

"Treme" has multiple characters, and is just crammed with scenes that seem to last a short time, like 30 or 40 seconds. How do you keep track of everything?

We're a prisoner of our ambition. Our subject matter is the American city, and we have to utilize shorthand. We have to pick and choose, yet cover enough ground so that you get a sense of community. If you have just three lead characters, then the show becomes about them. We're trying to speak to the nature of urban America and how our society is defined by [it].

Greg Braxton
Los Angeles Times

@темы: # interview

Miss biggest bitch
Heroes and Healthy Families Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 8th, 2011

thanks to treibsand

@темы: media: online videos

Miss biggest bitch
Короткий документальный фильм от BookShort о Нэйте и его книге.

Nate Fick came home from the war with more than a little insight into the difference between military ideals and military practice. One Bullet Away, an original BookShort short film production based on his memoir One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer (Houghton Mifflin / Thomas Allen Publishers), is a personal documentary that uses one seemingly innocuous story of how he and his team chose to directly defy orders rather than walk away from a village of civilians living with unexploded bombs in their backyards. It underscore Fick's hard-won message that war is human, and demands humanity from its leaders.

One Bullet Away
The book was adapted for the screen by accomplished screenwriter Bruce Pirrie; directed by Irene Duma who has directed several BookShort productions; with animated graphics by Crush and sound design by Steven Sauve; produced by Judith Keenan for Houghton Mifflin Company.


Behind The Scenes Features

Source: BookShort

@темы: media: online videos

Miss biggest bitch

Recon Marines go through much of the same training as do Navy SEALs and Army Special Forces soldiers. They are physical prodigies who can run twelve miles loaded with 150-pound packs, then jump in the ocean and swim several more miles, still wearing their boots and fatigues, and carrying their weapons and packs. They are trained to parachute, scuba dive, snowshoe, mountain climb and rappel from helicopters. Fewer than 2 percent of all Marines who enter in the Corps are selected for Recon training, and of those chosen, more than half wash out. Even those who make it commonly only do so after suffering bodily injury that borders on the grievous, from shattered legs to broken backs.

Recon Marines are also put through Survival Evasion Resistance Escape school (SERE), a secretive training course where Marines, fighter pilots, Navy SEALs and other military personnel in high-risk jobs are held “captive” in a simulated prisoner-of-war camp in which the student inmates are locked in cages, beaten and subjected to psychological torture overseen by military psychiatrists — all with the intent of training them to stand up to enemy captivity.

Those who make it through Recon training in one piece, which takes several years to cycle all the way through, are by objective standards the best and toughest in the Marine Corps. Traditionally, their mission is highly specialized. Their training is geared toward stealth-sneaking behind enemy lines in teams of four to six men, observing positions and, above all, avoiding contact with hostile forces.

The one thing they are not trained for is to fight from Humvees, maneuvering in convoys, rushing headlong into enemy positions.

продолжение в комментариях

@темы: media: books, # quotes

Miss biggest bitch

The Real "ICEMAN" from Generation Kill
Written by Chris Manthos

In one of the most insightful books on modern military history of our time, Evan Wright’s “Generation Kill” is a page-turning account of the incredible 2003 lightning blitz on Baghdad by the 1st Recon Battalion, United States Marines.

Wright skillfully and carefully captured the challenges of the often 24 hour a day combat tempo of some of the finest warriors our Nation has ever produced. When I first picked Gen’ Kill off the shelf at an airport Borders, I skeptically thumbed through it, seeing yet another anti-American diatribe written by yet another anti-military “journalist.”

Instead, I found it impossible to put down. Highly focused on a single platoon, and often on a single squad, I was moved by the incredible detail and highly intense relationships of the Marines who Wright ‘embedded’ with during the historic drive on the Iraqi metropolis.

So it was better than Christmas, when watching the last few episodes of my all time favorite TV show, producer David Simon’s “The Wire”, that I first saw Simon was finishing work on the “Generation Kill” mini-series for HBO. Simon’s seven part series does every credit possible to Wright’s book, and then some.

The key player in both the book and film is (then Sgt.) Brad Colbert, United States Marine Corps, or as enthusiastic fans of the book and series know him; the “Iceman.” When close friend Shawn Alladio casually asked me not long ago if I’d ever heard of him, I replied, “You mean the Iceman? Hell yeah I know who he is… why?” “He’s training with us in some personal watercraft classes” she replied.

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@темы: # interview

Фэндом (жж):
generation_kill (фики, обсуждения, интересные ссылки)
gk_fanworks (фики и другое фэн-творчество)
combat_jack (фико-челлендж)
YAGKYAS (новогодний фико-челлендж)
warbigbang (фест больших фиков по военным фэндомам, включая GK)
Generation Kill Rewatch (совместные повторные просмотры/обсуждения сериала на сообществе)
Generation Kill Starter Kit

Фэндом (не жж):
A Generation Kill Porn Skirmish (высокорейтинговый челлендж)
GK Battle 2010 (специальный фико-фест)
Generation Kill фики на AO3
Generation Kill фики на Yuletide

Фэндом (индивидуальные сообщества):
Stark Sands Community
ONTD_Askars (сообщество поклонников Александра Скарсгарда)

GK пикспам №1 by treibsand
GK пикспам №2 by treibsand
GK пикспам №3 by treibsand
GK пикспам №4 by treibsand
Brad & Nate пикспам by treibsand
По-эпизодные пикспамы от memoryfloodsin: ep 1 || ep 2 || ep 3 || ep 4 || ep 5 || ep 6 || ep 7
GK капсы от screencapsbest
GK капсы by oxoniensis
fuckyeahgenerationkill (tumblr)

фик-реки by oxoniensis
фик-реки by alethialia
фик-реки by hackthis
фик-реки на сообществе recs

@темы: media: links, # fandom