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TAB A 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Operation Iraqi
Freedom Operations Matrix

TAB B 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Operation Iraqi
Freedom After Action Report

In January of 2003, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion deployed to Kuwait in preparation for combat operations in Iraq. B and C Companies deployed via air transport to Kuwait and trained there for six weeks prior to crossing the line of departure. A Co and H/S Companies conducted training while embarked aboard the USS Anchorage. After arriving in Kuwait the two companies trained for three weeks before combat operations commenced. Company D, 4th Reconnaissance Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve, was mobilized and activated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom at the Armed Forces Reserve Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, on 03 February 2003. The company departed to the designated Staging and Integration Area (SIA) at Camp Pendleton, California, for joining to the Gaining Force Command (GFC), 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, on 07 February 2003. The company stayed at Camp Margarita briefly before being forward deployed to the country of Kuwait on 14 February 2003. Upon linking up with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion on 16 February 2003, the company began preparations and workups in earnest and did eventually cross the line of departure (LD) into the country of Iraq and subsequently conducted combat operations, first, attached to 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion/Tactical Movement Control-South for priority convoy security and escort duties. The company was detached and re-attached to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion on 04 April 2003, and engaged in all subsequent combat operations with the battalion until retrograde. The battalion initially was in general support of the division, but was detached to RCT-1 for the majority of the war. Through a process of trial and error the companies learned to plan and execute fragmentary orders on short timelines. The missions included screens, convoy security, a battalion level deliberate attack, strongpoint key locations throughout a city, casevac recovery, team through battalion sized patrols, defensive operations, blocking positions, personnel and vehicle searches, establishing traffic control points, mounted and dismounted security patrols, reconnaissance in force, humanitarian operations, and raids. This report is a compilation of lessons learned from the letter companies and staff sections in preparation for combat and during combat operations.

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