Miss biggest bitch

The Real "ICEMAN" from Generation Kill
Written by Chris Manthos

In one of the most insightful books on modern military history of our time, Evan Wright’s “Generation Kill” is a page-turning account of the incredible 2003 lightning blitz on Baghdad by the 1st Recon Battalion, United States Marines.

Wright skillfully and carefully captured the challenges of the often 24 hour a day combat tempo of some of the finest warriors our Nation has ever produced. When I first picked Gen’ Kill off the shelf at an airport Borders, I skeptically thumbed through it, seeing yet another anti-American diatribe written by yet another anti-military “journalist.”

Instead, I found it impossible to put down. Highly focused on a single platoon, and often on a single squad, I was moved by the incredible detail and highly intense relationships of the Marines who Wright ‘embedded’ with during the historic drive on the Iraqi metropolis.

So it was better than Christmas, when watching the last few episodes of my all time favorite TV show, producer David Simon’s “The Wire”, that I first saw Simon was finishing work on the “Generation Kill” mini-series for HBO. Simon’s seven part series does every credit possible to Wright’s book, and then some.

The key player in both the book and film is (then Sgt.) Brad Colbert, United States Marine Corps, or as enthusiastic fans of the book and series know him; the “Iceman.” When close friend Shawn Alladio casually asked me not long ago if I’d ever heard of him, I replied, “You mean the Iceman? Hell yeah I know who he is… why?” “He’s training with us in some personal watercraft classes” she replied.

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@темы: # interview

29.11.2010 в 22:22

интервью пока не читала, но хочу признаться, что фоточка проматывание френдленты тормозит существенно :gigi:
30.11.2010 в 11:08

Miss biggest bitch
дядя Митя
а не надо нас проматывать, не надо!
30.11.2010 в 18:22