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Author: bachaboska
Pairing, Character (s): Brad Colbert /Nate Fick
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Brad Colbert doesn't give a shit about DADT- he is out and proud about it (ok, it's totally S-F but lets pretend that's possible). He's also in love with his new Lt.- Nate Fick. They have quiet romance until Nate didn't obey command's orders. To protect Brad he decides to end their relationship. Needless to say Brad isn't happy about it.
So that's the story- watch and enjoy.
I love Generation Kill. It has good story, amazing characters and slashy pairing to kill for (Nate/Brad anyone?). After watching all seven episodes- few times- I checked youtube for some vids only to find that nobody made any Brad/Nate vid. And I have just one question: What's wrong with you people???- Alexander Skarsgard and Stark Sands spend every minute on the screen together eyesexing each other. They are like wet dream for any slasher.
I get a bit too excited...sorry. Anyway, because of that I decided to support this amazing pairing by creating fake trailer about marines love story.