

Официальный сайт Generation Kill

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Generation Kill TWOP (рекапы всех серий)
Generation Kill Insider (интервью с актерами, новости, галереи)

Generation Kill (сообщество на LJ)

'Generation Kill': Everything you need to know about who's who and what's what (статья на Chicago Tribune)

@темы: media: links

Sgt. Brad "Iceman" Colbert

Cpl. Ray Person

Lance Cpl. James Trombley

Sgt. Antonio "Poke" Espera

Lt. Nate Fick

Lt. Col. Stephen "Godfather" Ferrando

Evan Wright, Embedded Reporter

@темы: info: characters, media: online videos, # making



About The Story

Behind The Wheel

On Set Tour

Becoming A Marine

@темы: media: online videos, # making



Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America, and the New Face of American War

Читать на английском

Также книгу Эвана Райта теперь можно прочитать онлайн на сайте www.scribd.com.

Generation Kill on Scribd


The Killer Elite by Evan Wright for Rolling Stone magazine: на английском

One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer by Nathaniel Fick: аудио-книга || на русском || на английском

@темы: media: books


английские: download

русские: download


Аудио комментарии к сериям

1.01 - Get Some
David Simon (Creator/Writer), Ed Burns (Creator/Writer), Susanna White (Director)

1.02 - The Cradle of Civilization
Ed Burns (Creator/Writer), Andrea Calderwood (Producer)

1.03 - Screwby
Evan Wright (Writer), Stark Sands (Lt. Nate Fick), Benjamin Busch (Major Todd Eckloff)

1.04 - Combat Jack
Simon Cellan Jones (Director), Alexander Skarsgard (Sgt. Brad Colbert), PJ Ransone (Cpl. Ray Person)

1.05 - A Burning Dog
Evan Wright (Writer), Eric Kocher (Military Advisor/Gunny Sgt. Rich Barrett), Jeff Carisalez (Military Advisor/Cpl. Smith)

1.07 - The Bomb in the Garden
David Simon (Creator/Writer), George Faber (Executive Producer)

Credit: sleepy_orange

@темы: media: audio comments, media: subtitles

На английском

1.01 - Get Some

1.02 - The Cradle of Civilization

1.03 - Screwby

1.04 - Combat Jack

1.05 - A Burning Dog

1.06 - Stay Frosty

1.07 - The Bomb in the Garden


На русском (2 звуковые дорожки: 1) Английский (Оригинал); 2) Русский (профессиональный (многоголосый, закадровый) дубляж канала "Звезда"))

1.01 - Get Some

1.02 - The Cradle of Civilization

1.03 - Screwby

1.04 - Combat Jack

1.05 - A Burning Dog

1.06 - Stay Frosty

1.07 - The Bomb in the Garden



на английском - the pirate bay || HD: the pirate bay

на русском - rutracker


Онлайн просмотр:


@темы: media: episodes





Military Phonetic Alphabet

Letter Substitute Letter Substitute Letter Substitute
A Alfa (or Alpha) K Kilo U Uniform
B Bravo L Lima V Victor
C Charlie M Mike W Whiskey
D Delta N November X X-ray
E Echo O Oscar Y Yankee
F Foxtrot P Papa Z Zulu
G Golf Q Quebec
H Hotel R Romeo
I India S Sierra
J Juliett T Tango


A map of where Bravo Company travels in each episode - here + explanation of the map

Source: HBO + Chicago tribune + usmilitary.about.com

@темы: info: glossary, info: maps



Командный состав

Major General James 'Maddog' Mattis
Генерал-майор Джеймс Мэттис, командующий 1-й дивизией морской пехоты США

Lieutenant Colonel Stephen 'Godfather' Ferrando
Подполковник Стивен Феррандо, командир 1-го разведывательного батальона морской пехоты США

Major Todd Eckloff
Майор Тодд Эклоф, майор 1-го разведывательного батальона морской пехоты США

Sergeant Major John Sixta
Старшина Джон Сикста, старшина 1-го разведывательного батальона морской пехоты США

Alpha Company

Bravo Company



Журналист Rolling Stone

Evan 'Rolling Stone' Wright
Эван Райт

Более подробно на after action

Дополнительно: the chain of command chart || Hitman 2-1 Alpha || Hitman 2-1 Bravo || Hitman 2-2 || Hitman 2 || Hitman 2-3

Source: HBO + Chicago tribune

@темы: info: characters

Generation Kill is a 2008 HBO television miniseries based on the book of the same name by Evan Wright about his experience as an embedded reporter with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion‎ of the United States Marine Corps during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was adapted for television by David Simon, Ed Burns and Wright. The series premiered on July 13, 2008 and spanned seven episodes. It is produced by Simon, Burns, Nina K. Noble, Andrea Calderwood, George Faber and Charles Pattinson.


The cable channel HBO gave the go-ahead to a seven-part miniseries, based on Evan Wright's book about his experiences as an embedded reporter with the United States Marine Corps' 1st Reconnaissance Battalion during the Iraq War's first phase in 2003. The show was shot on location in South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia.


David Simon and Ed Burns (The Wire) co-wrote and executive produced the project alongside Company Pictures' George Faber and Charles Pattinson (Elizabeth I) and HBO's Anne Thomopoulos (Rome). The miniseries was shot as seven one-hour instalments over a six-month shoot in the summer of 2007 in Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa.

Andrea Calderwood (The Last King of Scotland) was the producer; Nina Noble (The Wire) served as co-executive producer. Author Evan Wright was credited as a consulting producer. Robert Harris was the Production Designer. Marine Eric Kocher served as the series Key Military Advisor. Susanna White and Simon Cellan Jones directed the episodes of the series.


There were 28 starring cast members with a large supporting cast. The majority of the characters were drawn from the Second Platoon of the First Reconnaissance Battalion's Bravo Company. Lee Tergesen played embedded reporter Evan Wright. Wright was assigned to the lead vehicle of Bravo Company, which he shared with Sergeant Brad 'Iceman' Colbert, played by Alexander Skarsgård, Corporal Josh Ray Person, played by James Ransone and Lance Corporal Harold James Trombley, played by Billy Lush.

Other second platoon starring characters include: First Lieutenant Nathaniel Fick, played by Stark Sands; Sergeant Antonio 'Poke' Espera played by Jon Huertas; Hospital Corpsman Second Class Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan played by Jonah Lotan; Corporal Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford played by Wilson Bethel; Corporal Walt Hasser played by Pawel Szajda; Gunnery Sergeant Mike 'Gunny' Wynn played by Marc Menchaca; Corporal Gabriel 'Gabe' Garza played by Rey Valentin; Corporal Jason Lilley played by Kellan Lutz; Sergeant Leandro "Shady B" Baptista played by Mike Figueroa; Sergeant Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick played by Josh Barrett; Sergeant Rudy Reyes portrays himself; Corporal Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks played by Rich McDonald; and Corporal James Chaffin played by Eric Ladin.

The First Reconnaissance Battalion was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen 'Godfather' Ferrando, played by Chance Kelly. Bravo Company as a whole falls under the command of Captain Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje played by Brian Patrick Wade. Bravo Company's third platoon is commanded by the erratic Captain Dave 'Captain America' McGraw played by Eric Nenninger.

The battalion's Sergeant Major, John Sixta, is played by Neal Jones. Alpha company is commanded by Captain Bryan Patterson, played by Michael Kelly. David Barrera plays Gunnery Sergeant Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego, Bravo Company's operations chief. Benjamin Busch portrays Major Todd Eckloff, the executive officer of the battalion.

Other starring cast members include Owain Yeoman as Sergeant Eric Kocher, a long-suffering team leader under the command of Captain America; J. Salome Martinez Jr. as Corporal Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carazales; Nabil Elouahabi as the battalion translator Meesh; and Robert John Burke as Major General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, who is Ferrando's superior. The real-life Eric Kocher portrays another Marine (Gunnery Sergeant Rich Barrott) who drives Captain Patterson's command Humvee in Alpha.


Episode 1 "Get Some" (Directed by Susanna White; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: David Simon & Ed Burns; First aired: July 13, 2008)
Episode 2 "The Cradle of Civilization" (Directed by Susanna White; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: Ed Burns & Evan Wright; First aired: July 20, 2008)
Episode 3 "Screwby" (Directed by Susanna White; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: Ed Burns; First aired: July 27, 2008)
Episode 4 "Combat Jack" (Directed by Simon Cellan Jones; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: David Simon; First aired: August 3, 2008)
Episode 5 "A Burning Dog" (Directed by Simon Cellan Jones; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: Evan Wright; First aired: August 10, 2008)
Episode 6 "Stay Frosty" (Directed by Simon Cellan Jones; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: Ed Burns; First aired: August 17, 2008)
Episode 7 "Bomb in the Garden" (Directed by Susanna White; Story: David Simon & Ed Burns; Teleplay: David Simon; First aired: August 24, 2008)

Source: wikipedia

@темы: info: general